Chin Mudra
Chin Mudra
This mudra connects us to our higher Self, helps lift dull energy, creates a more receptive state, calms the mind, and brightens the overall mood. It is often used in meditation, pranayama, and asana.
chin = consciousness
mudra = seal, gesture
Also known as jnana (wisdom, knowledge) mudra
Chin Mudra Step by Step
- Form a circle by joining your thumb and your forefinger.
- Place the nail of your index finger against the soft pad of the thumb
- Extend the last three fingers of your hands, the palm-side facing upwards

When you are meditating, form the Chin Mudra and place your hands on your knees to stimulate the “Nadi”.
Benefits for Chin Mudra
Yogis claim that there are many different health benefits that have been associated with the chin mudra, some of which include –
- Creation of a Pranic circuit, which maintains and redirects the “Prana” or the flow of energy within your body
- Improvement and increase in concentration, even during meditation
- Increasing energy and stamina
- Promotion of better sleep patterns
- Reduction of common ailments like lower back pain
- Relieving stress and any unnecessary tension in the body
- Stimulation of the energies based at the Mooladhara Chakra
- While there are no major side effects associated with the Chin Mudra, it is a good idea to check with a doctor, before practicing the gesture. In fact, do consult your doctor before you practice any yoga pose.
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