Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)
“Sarvanga” means “whole body part” and “asana” means “pose“. This asana provides benefits to whole body so in Sanskrit it is called Sarvangasana. It is also known as shoulder stand pose.
Steps for Sarvangasana
Benefits of Sarvangasana
Precaution for Sarvangasana
“Sarvanga” means “whole body part” and “asana” means “pose“. This asana provides benefits to whole body so in Sanskrit it is called Sarvangasana. It is also known as shoulder stand pose.
Steps for Sarvangasana
- Lie on your back. Join the legs together and relax whole body.
- Keep the palm flat on the ground.
- With the help of pressing palm on the ground raise both the legs upwards straight at 90 degree angle from the floor.
- Now raise your back and legs up into the vertical position taking support of hand by touching your chin to your chest.
- Breathe gently in this position.
- Maintain the posture for 1 to 3 minutes.
- Repeat this cycle for 2-3 times.

Benefits of Sarvangasana
- Sarvangasana Improves Overall Health.
- It improves blood circulation.
- It’s good for the digestive system.
- It strengthens and cures back pain.
- Helpful in sexual disorder. Improve function of sex organ.
- It improves the resistance power of the body.
- Improve function of reproductive organ in both men and women.
- Regular practicing of Sarvangasana helps in weight loss.
- It controls the blood sugar level and correct the improper functioning of pancreas.
- Those suffering from sleep disorder it promotes deep restful sleep.
- Cures thyroid problems.
- Improve function of digestion
- Beneficial for those who suffer from headaches but should not practice at the time of the headache.
- It improves the function of the ovaries.
- It increases efficiency of the reproductive organs.
- It keeps your face bright and remove dark circle.
Precaution for Sarvangasana
- People suffering from eye problems, blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease should avoid this asana.
- Should be avoided during pregnancy and periods.
- Should be practiced on an empty stomach.
- Consult your doctor before practicing Sarvangasana and practice under expert guidance.
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